Info center
Would you like more information about the rules and conditions of international transport and the rights and obligations for you as a customer?
Click on one of the links below for information.
IMCO, dangerous goods by sea
ADR, dangerous goods in Europe
Port of Bremerhaven
Port of Hamburg
Port of Antwerpen
Port of Rotterdam
Actuele Dieselprijs
Internationale Scheepsposities
Insurance Certificate 2017 Rotterdams bevrachtings Kantoor B.V.
Fenex voorwaarden
Rotterdams Bevrachtings Kantoor B.V. Terms and Conditions (German)
Rotterdams Bevrachtings Kantoor B.V.Terms and Conditions (Dutch)
Rotterdams Bevrachtings Kantoor B.V.Terms and Conditions (English)
Rules and restrictions Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg
European Driving time directive
Database ADR/IMCO UN numbers
Rules and restrictions roadtransport Germany
Rules and restrictions roadtransport France
Dimensions of containers